CBD and Sleep: Promising but Preliminary
Dr. Corroon was featured in an article on cannabinoids and sleep in Nutritional Outlook.
“To the extent that pain or anxiety interferes with sleep, CBD may facilitate sleep by reducing pain or anxiety—this would be an indirect mechanism,” adds Jamie Corroon, ND, MPH, medical advisor at CV Sciences (San Diego, CA, maker of PlusCBD) and founder and medical director at the Center for Medical Cannabis Education. Indeed, research shows that blocking CB1 receptors in the ECS (as CBD does) can cause neurochemical changes similar to those caused by antidepressants.2 “The evidence in support of CBD as a sleep aid is mixed and fairly limited,” Corroon admits. “To be fair, this is more a reflection of federal regulation related to researching cannabis and FDA’s current position on CBD as a dietary ingredient, than a reflection of interest or efficacy.”
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